Cleaner air
When there are problems with climate crises now and when all kinds of machines, cigarettes and many electronics pollute the air, spoil the climate, lets team up and make drones that dig up the ground, plant and water the trees, uses solar energy to do all these functions.
University / School / Youth organisation
Gabriele Petkevicaite-Bite Public Library
Below you’ll see the cartoons that have been made inspired by the sketch above.
Mohsen Zarifian
Why did you choose this sketch?
It goes without saying that Industry and technology are essential for easy living, but the pollution they cause is harmful to both nature and the human soul. Our souls need to get closer to clean nature and clean air. Sometimes you have to get away from the air pollution and also noise pollution of big cities and resort to the beauty and peacefulness of nature.
Jorge Luis Cabrera Garcia
Santa Clara
Why did you choose this sketch?
El uso de tecnologías contaminantes traen la destrucción del medio ambiente. Es importante y necesario el uso de nuevas tecnologías que hagan uso de las fuentes renovables de energía.
Are you a cartoonist?
Are you a cartoonist and are you inspired to eternalise this sketch into a professional cartoon? Click the button below to register your account and upload your cartoon!.
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