
Welcome to the project page of Cuba, where new aspiring cartoonists, educators and professional cartoonists come together!



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Cartoon Contest!

The Next Movement and the Cuban Frikomic group have launched a CONTEST for you. This challenge “La Nueva Escuela” “The New School” invites all cartoon lovers EVERYWHERE – new and professional – to select a historical character and draw him or her, putting their own stamp and creativity on it. Look at the GIF above and make a screenshot, which character did you get?

Post your drawing/sketch/cartoon on this Insta account and don’t forget to tag the challenge: #xel2 #LaNuevaEscuela #Frikomic #TheNextMovement_Global #CartoonMovement

Your drawing might become published and receive professional feedback from award winning editorial cartoonists!!!!

The cartoon contest

Check out the results from the Cartoon contest below!!

Together with the artists of Frikomic we kick off a youth programme with youth across Cuba on June 3rd!

In this youth programme we focus on:

(1) supporting interested youth in developing their cartoon skills. We look at the difference between a cartoon and editorial cartoons, where the power of the idea is central.

(2) Using cartoons as a tool for social empowerment and dialogue. We invite youth across Cuba to sketch about their ideas of the future. Their sketches/cartoons will be presented in an exhibition in November 2021 and shared with the world!

Workshop december 2020

Our Cuban Cartoonist Miguel Morales Madrigal gave a workshop demonstrating his techniques, and told his story about what it means to him to be a cartoonist!


Meet our team

In Cuba we work together with talented cartoonists such as Ares, Miguel Morales Madrigal, but also with a group of facilitators – Frikomic – who are artists that also want to inspire and empower youth in Cuba with cartoon art!

Our team